West Berkshire Crematorium to host Christmas Service on site
The team at West Berkshire Crematorium can’t wait to welcome local families back ‘in person’ for this year’s Christmas Carol and Remembrance Service, which takes place on Friday 10 December at 6pm.
The service provides a valuable opportunity for families and friends to come together and remember their loved ones in the run up to Christmas.
Covid-19 restrictions meant that people were unable to visit the on-site chapel for this annual flagship service last year, which had to be streamed online instead.
This year, families will have both options available; attend the event in person or, if they are not able to get to the crematorium, the service will also be webcast so that no one misses out.
West Berkshire Crematorium is part of Westerleigh Group, the UK’s largest independent owner-operator of crematoria and cemeteries, with 35 sites across England, Scotland and Wales, all set within beautifully-landscaped gardens of remembrance which provide pleasant, peaceful places for people to visit and reflect.
The one-hour service will include a mixture of readings and popular Christmas Carols.
Stephanie Langford, Site Manager at West Berkshire Crematorium, said: “We are so pleased to be able to welcome families back into our chapel for the Christmas Carol and Remembrance Service this year.
“This event is always popular and while webcasting it last year meant that we were still able to share the seasonal service, there’s nothing quite like being here in person.
“Of course, we know that this is not always possible, which is why we’re providing both options this year. For those who do want to come to the chapel and be part of the service, they can.
“But not everyone will be able to attend. Some may have health or mobility issues, or simply live too far away and not have any transport, so we will still be webcasting the service, too, so that everyone can join in and remember their loved ones in the run up to Christmas.
“There will be refreshments available for those who do attend, and no advance booking is required.
“Attendees will also be able to write personalised messages in honour of loved ones onto memory tags which we will provide, and these will be used to decorate the Christmas tree in the chapel.”
Those who wish to view the service as a webcast (which can be watched again when downloaded) should visit https://events.obitus.com/, enter the username ‘WestBerkshire’ (exactly as shown between the quotation marks) and the password ‘Tree’.